1. Events
  2. 2024 4-H County-Wide Photography Lab


2024 4-H County-Wide Photography Lab

Kingston, NY

Ulster County's 4-H county-wide youth photography lab is an educational initiative designed to empower our 4-Hers with photography skills. Through a combination of workshops, hands-on activities, and mentorship, participants will learn the art of photography, from basic camera operation to composition and lighting techniques. This project encourages self-expression, fosters artistic development, and will culminate in […]



2024 4-H County-Wide Photography Lab

Kingston, NY

Ulster County's 4-H county-wide youth photography lab is an educational initiative designed to empower our 4-Hers with photography skills. Through a combination of workshops, hands-on activities, and mentorship, participants will learn the art of photography, from basic camera operation to composition and lighting techniques. This project encourages self-expression, fosters artistic development, and will culminate in […]