Social Media is extremely important is this day of marketing and communication. 89% of our parents are accessing our content via social media sites and mobile devices. We are focused on connecting to them using the most effective median available. That median is a combination of various social networking websites and mobile application concepts. We work with a variety of partners to provide the best network of communicators in our area including Facebook, Instagram, Linked INN, Twitter, SnapChat, Pintrest and others. We also communicate thru a tedious and detailed email marketing campaign to ensure focused information is distributed to the right people. MyKK Digital is also responsible for a focused Texting Campaign that provides our members with effective information on the go. We are currently developing our new MyKingstonKids App that will provide events, music, the Red-K store and content that parents care about and can access 24/7. If you, your business or organization are in need of assistance in the Digital Marketing space, please feel free to contact us for a free consultation.